Riverland Registration


Complete this online form and it will be automatically submitted to the event Coordinator, you will receive an email with a copy of your completed form as an attachment.

Alternatively you can chick on the PDF image to the right to open a PDF file to download or complete manually. Using this method you will need to attach the file manually and send to the riverland2025@stagownersclub.asn.au email address.

Driver / Vehicle Registration:  Cost $120.00 

Driver Details

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Passenger Registration: $100.00 per person 

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Payment EFT      BSB 085-005 Account 701859395   
A/C Name    Riverland2025 
NB: Enter initial and surname and on payment under description (eg JSmith for John Smith)

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Please accept Terms and Conditions to complete Registration.


This is the official website of the Stag Owners Club of Australia - South Australia Branch Incorporated

The purpose of the Club is to promote and support ownership of the classic Triumph Stag motor car within Australia. Through our membership, affiliations, and resources we will ensure your journey into Stag Ownership is rewarding and beneficial.


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